Allisence Chang

Children's Coordinator

Born and raised in Boston, Allisence grew up attending church with her mother and accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior in middle school.

Allisence attended Michigan State University, majoring in journalistic graphic design and Spanish. She has previously worked as a graphic designer for a newspaper and later transitioned into teaching, spending over a decade as a special education teacher in public schools across Phoenix, San Francisco, and Oakland.

While caring for her newborn son (and not expecting to return to work), Allisence found the job posting at Reality and she and her husband Jon both felt a clear calling from God that she should apply. She now serves with our Children’s team, focusing on the preschool ministry and developing inclusive systems for children with special needs. 

Outside of work, Allisence enjoys exploring new places with her family, riding public transportation, and snowboarding.

Meet Our Team

Learn about some of the other folks who lead our church.

Cameron Torres, Children’s Ministry Director

Cameron aims to care for the children and families of our church while also equipping volunteers to serve healthily and faithfully.

Read their story

Kelsey Anderson, Communications Coordinator

Kelsey supports Reality’s communication needs through a variety of responsibilities including Sunday slide preparation, social media management, graphic design, and more.

Read their story

Tyler Madsen, Music & Creative Pastor

Tyler shepherds and cultivates the music and creative culture of Reality SF, while also helping guide the worship experience of Sunday gatherings.

Read their story