I Am Who I Am, Part 3: God Is Gracious (05.26.20)

A Study & Practice Guide on the Biblical Names & Characteristics of God

Leader’s Note:

This guide does not directly engage with Sunday teachings content, but we do look for thematic connections to help keep the CG Practices in alignment. For example, a theme in Sunday’s teaching on identity was the loving grace of God in calling us His beloved children, which is our core identity. Therefore, this guide explores the graciousness of God.

Opening Prayer

After the group welcomes one another, have one person open the group in prayer and then take 2-3 minutes of silence. As you sit in silence, ask the Holy Spirit to help you present yourself just as you are to a loving and gracious God.

Checking In

Set a timer for 1 minute per person to check in:

Read Scripture Aloud

Have one or more people in your group read Psalm 86. It’s highly encouraged to follow along in a physical Bible. As you listen and follow along, silently observe anything that stands out to you.

Cultural & Historical Context at a Glance

Read through these few simple things happening in and around this time.

Sharing Observations

Before interpreting the message for how it applies to us today, take 15-20 minutes to make some simple observations of the text in light of the cultural/historical context above or other things you know. Here are a few questions you might jump off from:

Interpreting the Message

In light of your observations, discuss the message of Psalm 86 for 20-30 minutes.

Living in Biblical Truth

After interpreting the message of the text together and what it reveals about God, consider the implications of this truth for your life. Share with one another for 15-20 minutes:

Closing Intercession

Pray for your group, our church, our city, and our world.

Questions or Feedback?

Do you have any lingering questions or thoughts about this practice guide series? You can offer them on this form .