Leadership Team

Our Leadership Team is made up of staff elders, lay elders, and staff members. Here are some stories of who we are, what we do, and where we come from.

Meet Our Elders

Our elders are biblically qualified servant-leaders, responsible for guiding and guarding the mission, vision, life, and doctrine of Reality SF — all under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the Chief Shepherd of the Church.

Kevin Cooke, Marriage & Family Pastor | Elder

In addition to serving as an elder, Kevin provides oversight for our Marriage & Family Ministries, which pursue care and discipleship of married couples, parents, children, and youth.

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Tarik El-Ansary, Administration & Finance Pastor | Elder

In addition to serving as an elder, Tarik oversees our church’s finances, human resources, facilities, and legal contracts.

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Wilson Leung, Elder

As a non-staff Elder, Wilson is passionate about teaching, discipleship, and experiencing real community through living everyday life together.

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Dave Lomas, Teaching & Vision Pastor | Elder

Dave is the founding pastor of Reality SF, where he has served since 2010 as the Teaching & Vision Pastor, responsible for shaping the church’s overall pastoral vision and teaching.

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Drew Wilkerson, Elder

As a non-staff Elder, Drew is most passionate about discipleship, generosity, and seeing many more people in our city come to know Jesus as Savior.

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Meet Our Staff

Our staff team seeks to serve and equip our church to carry out the mission of Jesus in San Francisco.

Kelsey Anderson, Communications Coordinator

Kelsey supports Reality’s communication needs through a variety of responsibilities including Sunday slide preparation, social media management, graphic design, and more.

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Lindsay Barrios, Justice & Outreach Pastor

Lindsay leads our Justice & Outreach ministry, working directly with volunteers, our leadership team, and Renewal Partners to activate our church towards justice work, both locally and globally.

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Dr. David Bennett, Theologian in Residence

Dr. Bennett works with our pastors and executive leadership team to assist on projects, teaching, and content throughout the year.

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Kayla Berry, Communications Director

Kayla is responsible for clearly translating the vision and mission of Reality SF through the promotion of all church-wide events, initiatives, and resources across all channels.

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Allisence Chang, Children’s Coordinator

Allisence is responsible for preparing our preschool rooms on Sunday mornings, as well as developing inclusive systems for children with special needs.

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Mike Gleim, Executive Pastor

Mike oversees the Reality SF staff, supporting and equipping them in vision and strategy.

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Sergio Gomes, Pastoral Resident

As Pastoral Resident, Sergio currently spends his time overseeing our Community Group ministry and preparing to eventually be sent out to plant or revitalize a church.

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Jessica Gracewski, Associate Pastor

Jessica is passionate about equipping others in their pursuit of Christ. As Associate Pastor, she works alongside the Executive Team, overseeing the development of our ministries focused on community and formation.

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Tobi Grunick, Connections Pastor

Tobi cares for those who are new to our community, providing support and resources as they integrate into the life of our church.

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Jackson Jaramillo, Youth Pastor

Jackson shepherds and guides the youth at Reality in their discipleship to Jesus.

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Amanda Kitada, Event Coordinator

As our Event Coordinator, Amanda plays a crucial role in the planning, organization, and execution of all events within our church.

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Naomi Lau, Children’s Pastor

Naomi is passionate about partnering with parents and caregivers to nurture growing faith at home. As the Children’s Pastor, she leads the shepherding of our children as they learn about and are taught how to live in the way of Jesus.

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Tyler Madsen, Music & Creative Pastor

Tyler shepherds and cultivates the music and creative culture of Reality SF, while also helping guide the worship experience of Sunday gatherings.

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David McKinney, Prayer Pastor

David supports, cultivates, and provides training for prayer in our church, while also facilitating prayer counseling sessions.

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Malia McKinney, Prayer Minister

Malia serves as the administrative coordinator and team leader for the Prayer Ministry, as well as, providing congregant support through one-on-one prayer sessions.

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Joe Metz, Facilities Director

Believing that the smallest things can still make a major impact for God’s Kingdom, as our Facilities Director, Joe is responsible for ensuring the building is always operational for everyone to use and enjoy.

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Melissa Mueller, Leadership Development Pastor

Melissa oversees how Reality invests in, develops, equips, empowers, and cares for leaders in our church.

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Sophie Ramirez, Music Ministry Director

Sophie works alongside our Music & Creative Pastor to shepherd and shape the music and worship culture at Reality SF, both through our gatherings and in leading our volunteer team.

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Danielle Stowaway, Executive Assistant | Justice & Outreach Volunteer Coordinator

Danielle provides administrative support and assistance to our Teaching & Vision Pastor, as well as the Justice & Outreach Ministry.

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Jason Swanson, Operations Director

Jason leads our Operations Team, managing processes and designing systems that support our church functionally.

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Cameron Torres, Children’s Ministry Director

Cameron aims to care for the children and families of our church while also equipping volunteers to serve healthily and faithfully.

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Corin Wilson, Production Director

Corin ensures that the production of every Sunday service runs seamlessly, overseeing all aspects of audio, video, and lighting, as well as leading our dedicated team of volunteers.

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Erica Yi, Community Pastor

Erica leads our Community Groups through supporting group leaders, guiding new members, and creating spiritually enriching content.

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