The Year of
Biblical Literacy
What Is the Year of
Biblical Literacy?

The Year of Biblical Literacy is a collaborative project between Reality San Francisco, Bridgetown Church, The Bible Project, and the Read Scripture App. The project launched in 2016 at Reality SF and Bridgetown in an effort to provide a comprehensive resource for people to be deeply immersed and thoughtfully engaged in the Scriptures in both individual and communal settings.
If you are a pastor, you can use these resources to lead your church through your own version of The Year of Biblical Literacy. To learn how to do that and to read about our experiences, click here.
If you’re new to the Reality SF community, we highly recommend exploring these resources to enrich your understanding and experience of the Bible.
Get Started
There are several resources you will use throughout the year. On a weekly basis, you’ll need to access the daily reading plan, Read Scripture videos, and small group material. We also have topical sermons, themed lectures, and recommended books to help guide your year.

Reading Plan
The Bible Project and Read Scripture have created a unique and powerful daily reading experience called Read Scripture to help you engage with the Bible. We encourage you to download the Read Scripture App below, as it cleanly presents each day’s reading along with the beautiful Read Scripture videos. You can also download the PDF guide.

Read Scripture Videos
The Bible Project has created some amazing animated videos that provide context for every book in the Bible. They’ve also created several theme videos that shed light on some of the most important and challenging themes we see throughout the Bible. Click on each video playlist below.

Small Group Material
The year itself moves fast, so having a space to dialogue and reflect with others is important for true engagement with the story of God. We created the guided material below in such a way that anyone can facilitate a gathering. Questions range from highly scholastic to tenderly personal.

Teaching Series
Here you’ll find the year’s Sunday teachings from both Reality SF and Bridgetown Church. We encourage you to peruse by series and then teaching. Additionally, you can read all teachings in transcript form.

Lecture Series
We hosted several Bible scholars and theologians to share about their areas of specialty. These lectures equipped our church to gain perspective and contextual understanding of some of the most challenging topics in the Bible.

Recommended Books
Here are a few recommended books to help guide you and supplement what you are reading throughout the year.