The Year of Biblical Literacy's Sunday teachings, in written form.
Much of the Sunday teaching during the Year of Biblical Literacy was very dense, covering large sections of Scripture and tackling the most important themes across the whole Bible. So to help you process and reflect on these teachings, we’ve provided transcripts of all the teachings from Reality SF and Bridgetown Church. They are listed below in chronological order.

Reality SF
- The Problem with the Bible
- The Reason for the Bible
- The Origins of the Bible
- The Meaning of the Bible
- Act 1: Good Creation
- Act 2: Naked and Ashamed
- Act 3: Promise and Purpose
- Act 4: Jesus Is Everything
- Act 5: The Story and the Spirit
- Act 6: Staying in the Story
- The Water
- The Meal
- The Cross
- The Grave (of the Crucified & Risen Christ)
- Understanding the Old Testament
- Understanding Violence
- Understanding Love, Sex, and Marriage
- Understanding Judgment
- Understanding Evil
- The Pain & Anger of God
- The Hope & Plan of God
- The Suffering & Supremacy of God
- How to Go Through Pain & Suffering
- How to Approach God in Pain & Suffering
- How Wisdom Leads Us to the Good Life
- How to Find Meaning & Purpose
- A Work in People
- A Story of Providence
- A Story of Pride
- A Story of Poetic Justice
- Living in the Tension
- Resilience and Resistance
- God and Country
- Redemptive Participation
- Alternative Response
- Jesus the Teacher
- Jesus Heals
- Jesus Saves
- Jesus Reveals
- Jesus Is Love
- Can I Get an Amen? (We Value Faith)
- God Is God and I’m Not (We Value Humility)
- Sunday Candy (We Value Hospitality)
- Slow Church (We Value Rootedness)
- The Inclusive Paul
- The Exclusive Paul
- Transformative Renewal
- Humility & Unity
- Sincere Love
- Transformative Love
- The Problem with the Bible
- The Book of Strange, New Things
- Shaped
- Where On Earth Did the Bible Come From?
- Eat It
- Creation: The Kingdom Begins
- Fall: The Kingdom Rebels Against The King
- Israel: The Kingdom Begins Again
- Jesus: The King Comes with His Kingdom
- Church: The Kingdom Spreads To The World
- New Creation: The King Comes Back
- It Happens All The Time
- Failing, Not Failure
- How to Read and Interpret the Old Testament
- Is God A Blood Thirsty Carnivore?
- The Prophet
- The Kingdom
- Rebuild, Restore, Renew
- Job: The Curtain Behind The Universe
- Why?
- Man’s Search for Meaning
- Overcoming Evil With Good
- The Way Life Works
- Ecclesiastes: More than Mist
- Song Of Songs: The Sex Talk
- Intro: A Creative Minority
- Compromise
- Influence
- Non-Participation
- Resistance
- Witness
- Empire vs. Kingdom
- Hope
- Outro: Daniel vs. The Modern World
- Creative Minority Panel