How to Cultivate Intimacy with God
The true treasure of following Jesus is getting to have an ongoing and ever-deepening relationship with God. That is why as a community, we pursue spending at least 30 minutes per day in meditative prayer. Here are a few ways we encourage you to cultivate intimacy with God and some resources we have curated for you.

Practice Cards
These printed cards will guide you through Lectio Divina, Daily Examen, some Suggested Prayers, fasting, and how to practice Sabbath. The intention of printed cards is to help you disconnect from the distractions that often come with using a phone or tablet. Lectio Divina is a traditional form for praying with passages from the Bible, and the Daily Examen helps you reflect on how you have seen God at work throughout your day. The Suggested Prayers card includes the Our Father Prayer (or “The Lord’s Prayer”), the Jesus Prayer, and the Trinity Prayer — three prayers with beautiful language to help express our hearts to God. The fasting and Sabbath cards share why these practices are essential for followers of Jesus and offer practical tips on how to approach them. You can pick up all five cards at the information table in our lobby.

God created the Sabbath as a prophetic, counter-cultural practice of rest and rejuvenation for His followers, which stands in contrast to our hurried, demanding world. We suggest unplugging from technology, clearing your schedule, and slowly savoring your day with God. Start by setting aside the time you can for Sabbath and aim to develop it into a 24-hour block of time set apart for resting and cultivating intimacy with God. For more on what a Sabbath is and how to practice, it, read this Sabbath resource.

Other Resources
Along with the Prayer Cards and a Sabbath practice, you can find many other resources for cultivating intimacy with God on our site. Watch or listen to our Sunday Teachings, especially the Everyday Mystic series on living in union with Christ and cultivating a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute relationship with God. Read some recent Practices, which are designed for communal or personal reflection.