Sophie Ramirez

Music Ministry Director

Originally from Bakersfield, California, Sophie Ramirez grew up in a Christian family and first prayed to receive Jesus as Lord at the age of 4. (And she continued to do so with every altar call for the next year because she thought you were supposed to raise your hand every time!)

While attending Westmont College in Santa Barbara, Sophie came to truly grasp the depth of the Good News of Jesus — that He is bringing His Kingdom to earth and renewing all things. This gave her a deep sense of hope and a love for the Church. Having always loved to sing, Sophie had dreams of auditioning for Broadway or being a high school theater teacher. But as she volunteered with the worship team at school, she realized that ministry brought her the most joy.

During her freshman year of college, Sophie heard Dave Lomas speak at a chapel service. After talking with Dave and hearing more about Reality SF, she applied to serve as a Music Ministry intern the next year. While in San Francisco, Sophie experienced radical love in the RSF community and fell in love with the city.

After finishing school, she pursued an opportunity to move back to SF, first serving with Reality SF part-time, and eventually growing to her current role as Music Ministry Director. Sophie spends the majority of her time managing our Music Ministry volunteer team by coordinating schedules and providing support and encouragement. She also works to develop more opportunities for our community to utilize their musical gifts, curates song lists, and leads worship on Sundays.

In her free time, she enjoys writing, fashion, going on runs in the city, and anything else that involves lots of laughter.

Meet Our Team

Learn about some of the other folks who lead our church.

Allisence Chang, Children’s Coordinator

Allisence is responsible for preparing our preschool rooms on Sunday mornings, as well as developing inclusive systems for children with special needs.

Read their story

Kelsey Anderson, Communications Coordinator

Kelsey supports Reality’s communication needs through a variety of responsibilities including Sunday slide preparation, social media management, graphic design, and more.

Read their story

David McKinney, Prayer Pastor

David supports, cultivates, and provides training for prayer in our church, while also facilitating prayer counseling sessions.

Read their story