Marriage As Ministry
By Kevin & Bethany Cooke
Kevin & Bethany Cooke teach from Acts 18 on what marriage as ministry means, how it happens, and what it can produce. Kevin is the Marriage & Family Pastor on staff as well as an elder at Reality SF.
Marriage As Ministry
By Kevin & Bethany Cooke

Marriage & Intimacy: Marriage as Ministry (08.05.19)

Opening Silence
Open in prayer and then sit in 3 minutes of silence to shift focus toward this time of seeking God and practicing the way of Jesus.

Responding to Sunday’s Teaching
Here is a quick recap of themes and ideas from Sunday’s teaching from Nancy Ortberg on marriage:

Discuss these questions:

Praying with Scripture
Pray with this Scripture, which was highlighted in this week’s teaching: Jeremiah 24. Follow these simple steps of lectio divina (i.e. holy reading).

After praying alone, take a while for people in your group to share about what God was communicating to them through the Scripture.

Intercessory Prayer
In light of the themes coming up in your discussion, take a moment to intercede in prayer for one another, for those you know who need prayer, and for God’s will to be done in our city.