Practicing the
Way of Jesus
Community Groups at Reality

Community Groups are intentional communities committed to seeking to know God and one another, while practicing the way of Jesus together.

Community Groups (CG’s) are just one of the ways that we experience connection and practice community.
Led by two or three trained leaders, Community Groups follow a seasonal rhythm that includes times of small group gatherings, sabbath, and large gatherings.
Community Groups meet in person and are only open to those who call Reality SF their church home.

Over the course of two years, a Community Group will go through each of our eight spiritual practices together. These include four practices of presence (Prayer, Scripture, Sabbath, and Fasting) and four practices of participation (Community, Generosity, Vocation, and Hospitality).
As intentional communities, every member makes the commitment and choice to actively participate and practice together – not only when your group is gathered, but in your everyday life.
Next Steps
If you are considering joining a Community Group, we invite you to take the next steps as shared below.
1. Attend Intro to Community
Every prospective member is first required to attend Intro to Community. In this two-session course, we discuss the practice of Community more in depth and what it means to commit to a Community Group at Reality SF.
2. Group Placement
After attending Intro to Community, our team will place you in a Community Group based on an intake form we gather at the end of the course. If you are not already a part of an existing CG, you will have the opportunity to join a group with others you met at Intro to Community.
3. Become a Leader
We are always looking for committed and active members who desire to step into leadership. If you are interested in serving our church in this way, simply fill out the volunteer application and select “Groups” to begin the process.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is Intro to Community offered?
This course is offered three times per year, prior to the start of a new Community Group practice season. Registration is available at
How long is Intro to Community?
This course involves two sessions. This first session is required for all prospective group members to attend. The second session is only required for those who commit to joining a group, and are not already a part of an existing CG.
What does the Community Group placement process look like?
During Intro to Community, each prospective member will fill out an intake form, which will assist in how we group individuals joining an official Reality SF Community Group. Placement is determined by our three values of: in-person presence, commitment, and hospitality. Meeting location, day of the week, etc. will also be considered.
While we try our best to honor preferences, there might be times in which we prayerfully place someone in a group that does not meet all their preferences.
How long does a Community Group last?
Our official Reality SF Community Groups meet from September to June, with seasons of practice and table fellowship throughout. Every summer, both leaders and members are “off-boarded” as we enter into a community-wide sabbath season on July 1.
When can I join a Community Group?
You can sign up to attend Intro to Community at any time, and will be placed in a Community Group after attending the first session.
If I can’t join a Community Group, what are other ways I can get connected?
Throughout the year, we will continue to host other spaces for community. We encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on all our current events.
Additionally, a great way to become more connected to the life of our church is to volunteer on one of our teams. You can fill out our volunteer application here.
What does “intentional community” mean?
As a church, we believe in the importance of every Community Group member being committed to the discipleship of one another, and are active participants together in creating a culture of devotion to Jesus. Community Groups are not simply a chance for fellowship, but an opportunity to dive deeper into our discipleship to Jesus.
What content do Community Groups go through together?
Over the course of two years, groups will have the opportunity to focus on the eight spiritual practices that are a part of our church’s Rule of Life: Scripture, Fasting, Sabbath, Silence & Solitude, Hospitality, Vocation, Generosity, and Community. Each week will involve the movements of gathering, learning, practicing, and reflecting. You can find more information about our Rule of Life here.