Serve with Reality
volunteer applicationWhy We Serve

Jesus said, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:43-45).
So how do we become these kinds of servants? Through receiving God’s gifts of belovedness, abundance, humility, and empowerment. If we have trusted in Jesus for salvation and been joined to Him through His life, death, and resurrection, we are loved and delighted in by our Father in heaven. And as forgiven, reconciled children, there is no ultimate thing we lack from God and no work we can do that would cause Him to love us anymore than He already does. From that place of abundance, we are moved to serve others in humility like Jesus, with no ulterior motives or hidden agendas. And just as Jesus was filled by the Holy Spirit for His ministry, we are empowered by the Spirit with various gifts for building up the Church and the city we live in.
Current Ways to Serve

Children’s Ministry
Come shepherd children with our ministry, The Village, as we share the love of Jesus with them. Leaders serve in groups from nursery to 5th grade.

Guest Services
Our Guest Services Team seeks to create a comfortable and inviting environment for people to receive God’s love and truth.

Outreach Team
Our Outreach Team partners with amazing local organizations to actively meet the needs of families, the physically vulnerable, and people experiencing homelessness.

Prayer Team
The Prayer Team helps our congregation listen to God by praying with and for people in our church before and after our Sunday services, as well as throughout the week.

Music Ministry
We are looking for musically-talented individuals to join one of our Sunday bands — especially if you do not currently see your instrument or musical tradition represented on Sundays.

Production Team
Our Production Team manages and curates the audio and visual experience on Sundays by setting up equipment, creating and managing slides, operating and recording live audio/video, and managing the production flow.