The Story & Way of Jesus: Spirituality Creep (10.25.21)

Processing and responding to the Sunday sermon

Opening Prayer

After the group welcomes one another, have one person open in prayer and then take 2-3 minutes of silence. As you sit in silence, ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart in love toward God and your group mates. 

The Sabbath Was Made For Man, Not Man For The Sabbath

On Sunday, Dave Lomas preached from Mark 2:23 – 3:6. The Pharisees were confronting Jesus about how He and the disciples were gleaning wheat from a field and eating it on the Sabbath. According their interpretation of the law, this was technically unlawful and forbidden.

Jesus responds to them in verse 27 and said that “the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” The implication being that the Pharisees had drifted far from the original intent of Sabbath.

Dave points out that the distance between the original intent of Sabbath, and where it wound up in the Parasitical mindset could be called “Spirituality Creep”

The Pharisees took something that was originally intended to bring us back to the image of God, a day where we imitate God in the rhythm of His rest, restoration, worship, and delight. They turned it into something religious and legalistic. This is spirituality creep.

This type of “spirituality creep” can become:

1.) A form of religion you use to get what you want.
2.) A type of self-righteousness that causes hate or indifference toward others
3.) Forms of humanism, (dieting, digital detox, minimalism) self-actualization and self-enlightenment vs true union with God

Jesus demonstrated that His new Kingdom did not depend on adherence to these very strict laws, but from spiritual practices, (like Sabbath) that brought His disciples into an experience of deep union with Him that results in true love and justice for others.

This week’s guide will provide space to dig in further, prayerfully process, and then discuss the sermon.

Reflection and Discussion

Read aloud Mark 2:23-28, and then prayerfully and silently reflect on the passage and these questions.

After silently reflecting, take these thoughts into a time of group discussion.

Closing Intercession

Pray for your group, our church, our city, and our world.