2022 Midyear Update
We began this year focusing on the ways in which we believe God is calling us to align ourselves to His renewal of our church. In this Midyear Update, we follow up on the main initiatives laid out on Vision Sunday, and provide a financial overview of our year so far.
Midyear Update Presentation
Watch RSF elder and Administration & Finance Pastor Tarik El-Ansary share an update regarding our five points of renewal for the year: our desire for rootedness, our devotion to community, our pursuit to the things of the Spirit, our commitment to our rule (or way) of life, and our need for a healthy organization.
Financial Overview
Thank you church for showing your commitment to the mission and vision of Reality through your finances, we are grateful for the opportunities to serve our city that your generosity provides. We look forward to the ways in which the Lord will continue to utilize this community to bring His kingdom here in San Francisco as it is in heaven.
Jan-July 2022 Total Giving: $2.84M
Total Expenses: $2.904M
Net Income: -$64K
General Fund
General Giving: $2.39M
General Expenses: $2.59M
Net Income: -$200K
Jan-July 2022 General Giving vs. General Expenses (Monthly)
(In thousands of dollars)
Designated Giving
Benevolence: $156K
Justice & Outreach: $123K
Building: $42K
Total Giving: $321K
Designated Expenses*
Benevolence: $19K
Justice & Outreach: $299K
Total Expenses: $318K
Designated Net Income: $3K
*The dollar amounts provided here reflect January-July 2022, which differ from the 12-month trailing figures of June ’21–July ’22 shared in the presentation video above.
Ministry Expenses
* Justice & Outreach: Includes financial partnerships with Renewal Partner Organizations, partial support of local missionaries, Benevolence to RSF congregants, and church planting initiatives. Learn more here.