Friendship & the Kingdom of God
By Melissa Weinisch
Melissa Weinisch teaches from John 15:9-17 on Jesus’ definition of friendship and how centering our lives on the Kingdom of God transforms our approach to all relationships. Melissa is the Youth Minister at Reality SF.
Friendship & the Kingdom of God
By Melissa Weinisch

Singleness & the Kingdom of God: Friendship & the Kingdom of God (09.23.19)

Opening Prayer of Examen

Shifting your focus to today’s time of seeking God and practicing the way of Jesus, spend 5-10 minutes prayerfully examining your own heart and feelings on the following:

After reflecting and praying, allow room for a few people in your group to share anything that stood out or surprised them about their time of prayer.

Respond to Sunday’s Teaching

Read John 15:9-17 and then reflect on this Sunday’s teaching, especially these key takeaways:

Discuss as a group:

Group Intercession

Intercede in prayer for one another, for those in your lives you know who need prayer, and for God’s will to be done in our city.