This series carries us through the Exodus narrative, revealing God’s heart to deliver His people from bondage so they can be in loving relationship with Him and a blessing to the world.
Tobi Grunick teaches from 1 Corinthians 9:24-10:13 on the Exodus story's warnings against idolatry, sexual immorality, and grumbling — and how Jesus can satisfy what we're truly craving when we do those things.
Ryan Jones teaches from Exodus 25 and 40 on the purpose of the tabernacle tent in God's relationship with Israel and how it is wonderfully fulfilled in Jesus and the Spirit-empowered Church. Ryan Jones is the Lead Pastor of Eucharist Church SF.
Dave Lomas teaches from Exodus 33-34 on God's renewal of the covenant with Israel, during which time the Lord powerfully reveals who He is and what He is like.
Matt Barrios teaches from Exodus 20:15-17 on how God’s commandments to not steal, lie, and covet can help form us into a generous, truthful, and content people.
Beau Bekendam teaches from Exodus 20:13-14 on God's commandments to not murder or commit adultery, and how Jesus delivers us from death and sexual brokenness into new life and purity. Beau Bekendam is the College Pastor at Reality Carpinteria.
Kevin Cooke teaches from Exodus 20:8-12 on how the commandments of Sabbath rest and honoring parents can form us into a holy people set apart for God's purposes.
Dave Lomas teaches from Exodus 19:1-6 on Israel's calling to be a "kingdom of priests and a holy nation," and how Jesus' Church is meant to live into the same calling today.
Dave Lomas teaches from Exodus 15:22-16:35 on Israel's struggle in the wilderness after their deliverance and how it mirrors our own challenging experience of knowing and following Jesus in this world.
Dave Lomas teaches from Exodus 14:5-15:2 on Israel's miraculous yet challenging exit from Egypt and how it relates to our own struggle to leave behind destructive things in our lives.
Rashad Clemons teaches from Exodus 12 on the Passover as Israel's turning point of deliverance and how this story finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus, our Passover Lamb. Rashad Clemons is the Founding Pastor of Trinity Grace Crown Heights in Brooklyn.
Britt Merrick teaches from Exodus 4:18-6:12 on the great highs and deep lows in the life of faith and what God is aiming to teach us in all of it. Britt Merrick is the Founder of the Reality Family of Churches and the Pastor for Preaching & Vision at Reality Carpinteria.
Ruthie Kim teaches from Exodus 3:1-4 and 4:1-17 on God's calling of Moses and how it demonstrates the unexpected and countercultural ways that God invites us into His Kingdom work. Ruthie Kim is the Founder & CEO of Because Justice Matters, and she is also part of the Reality SF teaching team.
Dave Lomas teaches from Exodus 2:10-3:15 on Moses' fleeing from Egypt and commisssioning by God in the wilderness, and all that this teaches us about our passions, advocacy, and times of obscurity in relation to God's calling on our lives.
Dave Lomas teaches from Exodus 1 on the all-encompassing oppression which the Israelites experienced in Egypt, and how that informs the New Testament's understanding of sin and salvation.