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12 Teachings

Future Church: A Way of Life for the Church of the Future

Title& Teacher
The Future of Our Church
Dave Lomas
Dave Lomas shares an important message for our church family regarding where we are as a church, where we hope to be going, and an invitation into discernment with us.
A Community of Tight-Knit, Loving Relationships in a Culture of Individualism
Jessica Gracewski
Jessica Gracewski teaches from Romans 12:1-10 on how individualism breeds loneliness, but the practice of community is the embodiment of the Gospel lived out through relationship to one another.
A Community of Orthodoxy in a Culture of Ideological Idolatry
John Mark Comer
John Mark Comer teaches from 2 Corinthians 10:1-5 on how we, as followers of Jesus, can trust in Scripture, and use it to frame our view of the world, rather than allowing the ideologies of the world to frame our view of Jesus. John Mark is the Pastor of Vision & Teaching at Bridgetown Church in Portland.
A Community of Justice in a Culture of Consumerism & Materialism
Dave Lomas
Dave Lomas teaches from 1 Timothy 6:2-19 on the relationship between justice and generosity.
Easter Sunday Teaching: The New & Different Future
Dave Lomas
Dave Lomas teaches from Matthew 28:1-10 on how the good news of Christ's resurrection is incompatible with the fears of this world.
A Community of Rest in a Culture of Exhaustion
Melissa Weinisch
Melissa Weinisch teaches on how we remember, are reformed, and restored through the practice of Sabbath.
Practicing Sabbath & Rest
Dave Lomas
Dave Lomas teaches on the practice of Sabbath and how it habituates us towards the rest our souls need. Recorded at Bridgetown Church in Portland.
A Community of Contribution in a Culture of Careerism
Matt Barrios
Matt Barrios teaches from Genesis 1:26-28 on the temptation of careerism and our true vocation, as followers of Jesus, to live into our identity in Christ.
A Community of Peacemakers in a Culture of Political Polarization
Dave Lomas
Dave Lomas teaches from Luke 19:1-10 on our need, as followers of Jesus, to move from hostility to hospitality; making space at the table for the enemy and the stranger to become a friend.
A Community of Peace in a Culture of Fear
Dave Lomas
Dave Lomas teaches from Luke 5:15-16 on the importance of practicing silence and solitude in order to experience true unity and fellowship with God.
A Community of Holiness in a Culture of Moral Relativism
Dave Lomas
Dave Lomas teaches from 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 on our need, as followers of Jesus, to restore a sacred order to our lives.
A Rhythm for the Future
Dave Lomas
Dave Lomas introduces our new series, focusing on our vision to be a community choosing the narrow way of Jesus together.

For help in how to navigate our teachings, you can read this article.

Weekly Practices

Below, you can find the accompanying Practices for each Sunday teaching. You may go through these Practices on your own, with your Community Group, or with a friend over coffee.

Week 1: Fasting

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Week 2: Silence & Solitude

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Week 3: Hospitality

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Week 4: Vocation

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Week 5: Sabbath

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Week 6: Generosity

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Week 7: Scripture

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Week 8: Community

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Week 9: Processing & Discernment

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Practicing the Way: Fasting

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