Encountering Jesus

by Brian Kim, Parent and Family Support Coordinator

“So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.”

Luke 19:4

The short story of Zacchaeus is a beautiful picture of a man searching for something more, finding the person of Jesus, accepting His invitation and experiencing the transforming power of Christ. This week, we look to guide our children to have a similar encounter with Jesus, where they can say Yes to His invitation to fellowship and allow the Spirit to form them.

In these devotions, try to allow your children time to explore their own thoughts, feelings and happenings as they discover Jesus, His love and power and how He intersects with our lives in amazing ways.

Devotion 1: Seeing Jesus

To start this devotion, either take a walk with your children or have them sit by a window where they can see out. Ask them to look for the most interesting thing they can see and to remember what it is. If you want to liven it up, have each child take a used up toilet paper or paper towel tube to help them look through on this adventure! As they find interesting things, take time to wonder about their finds–what is it? Why is it so interesting? What do you like about it?

When you are done, gather together to read Luke 19:1-5. In this story, we see Zacchaeus looking for Jesus, just like we were looking for something interesting. How do you think you could be on the lookout for Jesus? (Let your children answer) How does Jesus respond to Zacchaeus? Have you ever felt that same kind of invitation from Him? What would you say if Jesus said He was coming to stay with you today?

Jesus still invites us to spend time with Him today and everyday. He is not a human on Earth anymore, but we can be with Him anyway. Let’s take a few seconds to ask Jesus how He wants to spend time with each of us today and listen to hear what He has to say.

Pray saying something like, “Jesus, thank you that you are called Immanuel, meaning that you are with us. Would you come and show us how you would like to be with us right now?” Spend a few seconds listening and tuning into the Spirit. Close your prayer time, then allow for a time of sharing.

Devotion 2: Saying Yes

Let’s start today with an exercise: I want you to set up a few obstacles in this room and I am going to step away for two minutes while you do that. Then, I am going to cover my eyes and have you lead me through the room. Your job is to tell me where to go, ok? Just don’t yell and promise you will help me to stay safe, can I trust you to do that? Ok, great. I’m going to step out now and you have 2 minutes to make a few obstacles, but nothing too crazy!

When you cover your eyes, make sure you talk through a feeling of not being sure, of feeling a little uncertain and maybe even scared. Let your children begin to guide you, however, a some point, choose a direction to go in against their instructions and reply to their objections saying how you think this way might be the best way to go. Hopefully, your children will insist that you follow their instructions and you can comply, with some hesitation and saying something like, Okay, I’m not sure about this, but I trust you.

Hopefully no one gets hurt during this exercise. You can always peek a little if you’re worried 🙂 Thank your children for helping you get through safely, even when you wanted to go your own way, which may have gotten you hurt.

After you are safely through, get ready to read the rest of Luke 19, but first to some recollecting: Remember what we read last time? Yes, Jesus said He was going to stay at Zaccaheus’ house that day. Let’s keep reading to see what happens next! Read Luke 19:6-10 together.

How did Zacchaeus respond to Jesus’ invitation to stay at his house? That’s right, he said Yes, and then what happened next? Wow, why do you think Zacchaeus had such a big change in his life?

When we can say Yes to Jesus, He brings goodness to our lives. It can be hard to say Yes at times because we can want to do things our way or sometimes we are distracted by other things, but saying Yes to Jesus is always a good idea!

Psalm 1:6 says it really clearly, “The Lord shows his people how to live,
but the wicked have lost their way.” When we say Yes to Jesus, He shows us the way to follow Him to life and goodness.

Finish with a prayer: Thank you God that you guide us. Help us to keep saying Yes to you. Is there anything you are asking us to say Yes to right now? (listen quietly together for a few seconds). We love you, help us to trust you with everything. Amen.