Guide for Receiving Communion at Home

From the time of Jesus’ presence with the disciples, He has instructed His followers to receive communion together in remembrance of Him. The bread and the cup symbolize His body broken and His blood shed for us. As a church, we receive communion weekly to unite with Christ, and one another, in gratitude for His sacrifice.

As you prepare to receive communion, gather the elements (a little bread or cracker and wine or juice), read the short communion liturgy below, enjoy receiving the blessing of Numbers 6:24-26, and then bless others.

Communion Liturgy

Since the beginning of the church, it has used tangible things like bread and cup to lead people into the reality of the Gospel, which is based on the belief that God himself became physical for our salvation. As Christians, we eat and drink to remember.

So in receiving communion, we acknowledge that our life is received from Christ’s life that was given. 

This is the gift of God for the people of God: The body of Christ, the bread from heaven; the blood of Christ, the cup of salvation.

Eat and drink the elements of communion.

Now open your hearts to this blessing from scripture, read it aloud, and allow it to prompt you into greater gratitude for the new, eternal life Jesus has made possible for you.

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

Whether you received communion with others or individually today, we want to encourage you to extend a blessing to others in response to Christ’s grace toward you.

If you are in need of extra prayer or blessing for yourself, we encourage you to sign up to receive one-on-one prayer from our staff and prayer team.

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