A Prayer for Experiencing God (08.16.21)

Processing and responding to the Sunday sermon

Opening Prayer

After the group welcomes one another, have one person open in prayer and then take 2-3 minutes of silence. As you sit in silence, ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart in love toward God and your group mates. 

Building Dedication

Sunday marked our first, full-open worship services in our church since March 2020, and it happened in our new church home! The sermon(s) Sunday emphasized how much we aim to dedicate our church building as a sacred space for experiencing God’s presence.

Today’s group guide invites your group to join in your own prayers of dedication for this new church home.

Practice: A Prayer of Dedication

Read aloud Psalm 73, a prayer on the transformative power of meeting God in His sanctuary. And then reflect on these prompts.

After silently reflecting, take these thoughts into a time of group discussion.

Lastly, join together praying into a hopeful vision for this new church home, all together as a group. Offer your hopes and gratitude to Jesus.

Closing Intercession

Pray for your group, our church, our city, and our world.