Community Restart (08.02.21)

A quick guide for restarting CG after the July sabbatical

Leader’s Note

Opening Prayer

After the group welcomes one another, have one person open in prayer and then take 2-3 minutes of silence. As you sit in silence, ask the Holy Spirit to help you be aware of what you’re bringing back into meeting as a CG after sabbatical. 

Checking In

After a time of not meeting, there are bound to be some big or little shifts in our lives to report on. Set a timer for 1-2 minutes for each person to respond to this question:

Community Restart

At our church, we are “A community following Jesus, seeking renewal in our city.” This is our vision statement the directs how we interact as a church community.

It’s important for communities to periodically assess with one another how the community is doing. What is going well? What’s not? How might we grow and adapt? How might we better live out our vision?

As followers of Jesus, we also get curious about if our community is helping us relate to and live in alignment with Christ. How is our community doing in growing us as disciples of Jesus?

Practice: A Vision For Your CG

Pause for a few minutes of silence, and prayerfully reflect on these questions:

After silently reflecting, openly share with one another your hopes and aspirations for this group. Allow this to be an organic conversation where everyone is permitted space to dream out loud with the group.

Finish this time by praying into this collective vision for your group. Offer these hopes to Jesus. If helpful, write down the hopes and vision that seem particularly noteworthy for your group.

Closing Intercession

Pray for your group, our church, our city, and our world.