I Am Who I Am, Part 7: God Is Merciful (06.22.20)

A Study & Practice Guide on the Biblical Names & Characteristics of God

Leader’s Note

Be mindful of your community group and determine if you need to cover every question. This is the final CG material before summer break, and concludes our “I Am Who I Am” series.

Opening Prayer

After greeting one another, take 2-3 minutes of silence to invite the Holy Spirit to be present and help you be aware of what you’re bringing into this time together.

Checking In

Set a timer for 1 minute per person to check in and answer these two questions:

Series Wrap Up: God is Merciful

Mercy is a cornerstone characteristic of God, and one that he requires from his people. God displays mercy through compassion, forgiveness, love, justice, and more, many of which we’ve studied in the “I Am Who I Am” series.

Read Scripture Aloud

Ask one or more people to read from a passage below from “Mercy &…” the attribute your group selected (compassion, forgiveness, love, justice). We encourage you to use a physical Bible if possible. As you listen and follow along, silently note anything that stands out to you.

Together select one to focus on this week:

Context: Defining & Understanding Mercy

Before interpreting the Scriptures, ask one person to read these definitions for what mercy means in the context of the Bible.

Sharing Observations

Before interpreting the message for how it applies to us today, take ~10 minutes to make some simple observations of the text in light of the definitions above or other things you know. Here are a few questions you might jump off from:

Interpreting the Message

In light of your observations, discuss the message of these passage for 10-20 minutes.

Living in Biblical Truth

After interpreting the message of the text together and what it reveals about God, consider the implications of this truth for your life. Share with one another for 20-30 minutes:

Closing Intercession

Pray for your group, our church, our city, and our world.

Do you have any lingering questions or thoughts about this practice guide series? You can offer them on this form here.