Jessica Kastelberg

Children's Coordinator

Born and raised in San Diego, Jessica grew up in the Catholic Church, but came to better understand the person of Jesus in her freshman year of college.

While attending UC Santa Barbara, Jessica’s faith grew more genuine through the encouragement and friendship of the women in her dorm Bible study. She has previously worked in investor relations at a private equity real estate firm, a role she thoroughly enjoyed. However, the arrival of her children shifted her priorities, sparking a deep interest in sharing discipleship resources with other parents. This passion led her to the role of Children’s Coordinator at Reality SF, where she feels privileged to support and nurture the spiritual growth of young families.

Jessica’s connection to the Reality family of churches runs deep, having attended both Reality Carpinteria and Reality LA before moving to San Francisco. Although she initially found it challenging to adapt to SF’s cold summers, she and her family have grown to love the city and their community. They are committed to remaining in SF as long as the Lord provides for them here.

Outside of work, Jessica cherishes time with her two young children. When she manages to find spare time on her own, she enjoys exercising, reading, and generally enjoying her solo time – even if it means just running errands alone!

Meet Our Team

Learn about some of the other folks who lead our church.

Malia McKinney, Prayer Minister

Malia serves as the administrative coordinator and team leader for the Prayer Ministry, as well as, providing congregant support through one-on-one prayer sessions.

Read their story

David McKinney, Prayer Pastor

David supports, cultivates, and provides training for prayer in our church, while also facilitating prayer counseling sessions.

Read their story

Mike Gleim, Executive Pastor

Mike oversees the Reality SF staff, supporting and equipping them in vision and strategy.

Read their story