By Dave Lomas
Dave Lomas teaches from John 14:15-23 on the practice of Christian meditation and how it draws us into union and intimacy with God.
By Dave Lomas

Everyday Mystic: Meditation (08.26.18)

Leader’s Note: This material includes time recommendations for each section totaling approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. Please pace yourself to complete all of it for a more comprehensive group experience.

Opening Prayer & Silence

Invite one person to open the group in prayer, and then sit in 5 minutes of silence with God. 

Understanding Christian Meditation

One everyday mystical practice that opens our hearts to loving union with God is meditation. Christian meditation aims to hear from God primarily through focus on His word. Christian tradition in meditation differs from an Eastern understanding because Christian meditation seeks be filled with and interact personally with the God of the Bible. We open our hearts to this interaction through silent, focused attention on His word. According to Richard Foster in Celebration of Discipline, meditation is…

Read these verses about meditation:

And then discuss (30 minutes):

Practicing Christian Meditation

We regularly practice Scripture meditation in our CGs. Here’s a step-by-step practice guide that you can use now as a group and in your own private meditation time. Read through the simple guide and then practice together (20 minutes).

  1. Get in a comfortable sitting position and become conscious of God’s presence with you.
  2. Silently read Psalm 23 (or any other Scripture). Pay attention to one word or phrase that stands out to you.
  3. Sit silently with this phrase from Scripture and set a timer for 7 minutes. Ask God: What do you want me to know about this word? How is it connected to my life? Listen silently for Him.
  4. During the 7 minutes, release how you might be judging yourself as you meditate — judgements like “I shouldn’t be thinking about this right now,” “I’m not doing it right,” “I should be better at this,” or “I can’t hear from God.” Just meditate. It’s okay if other thoughts come to mind; you can just bring those to God.
  5. Write out all your thoughts in a notebook or phone for 10 minutes. What did you experience in the meditation? What’s your impression of God’s message for you?

Split into groups of 2-3 people to discuss and co-discern (20 minutes):

Return to the larger group discussion and share (25 minutes):

A Meditating Church

As an entire church, we want meditation to be part of our everyday unity with Jesus. Over the course of the Everyday Mystic series (and hopefully beyond), please intentionally practice 10 minutes or more of meditation each day by:

At next week’s group, we will have a chance to share about our time in personal meditation, so consider keeping notes or a journal to share with others. 

Closing Prayer

Close your time by praying together this prayer of St. Francis: 

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace 
Where there is hatred, let me sow love 
Where there is injury, pardon 
Where there is doubt, faith 
Where there is despair, hope 
Where there is darkness, light 
And where there is sadness, joy
O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console 
To be understood as to understand 
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive 
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned 
And it’s in dying that we are born to eternal life 