Sex, Etc.
By Dave Lomas
Dave Lomas teaches from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 on how, as Christians, our goal in life is to align ourselves with the way of Jesus in all we believe and do, including sexuality.
Sex, Etc.
By Dave Lomas

God & Sex: Sex, Etc. (09.09.19)

Opening Silence & Song

Open in prayer and then sit in 3 minutes of silence to shift focus toward this time of seeking God and practicing the way of Jesus. Finish the time of silence by singing the Doxology together:

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Respond to Sunday’s Teaching

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 and then reflect on this Sunday’s teaching from Dave, especially these key takeaways:

Discuss as a group:

Prayer & Confession

Take 5-15 minutes to silently prayer or journal in a notebook or phone with the following prompts:

After praying, split into pairs of the same gender to practice confession, as James 5:16 instructs: “confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” Take turns walking through following steps with one another:

Intercessory Prayer

Come back together as a large group and intercede in prayer for one another, for those you know who need prayer, and for God’s will to be done in our city.