Erin Canino

Missionary, International Justice Mission

Previously an attorney in San Francisco, Erin is currently serving with the legal team of International Justice Mission in the Philippines, which focuses on fighting the serious issue of online sexual abuse and exploitation of children, through legal casework and policy advocacy.

“Since deciding to pursue a career in law, it has been my goal and dream to use the law to fight for justice for vulnerable and oppressed communities in our world. I am currently serving with International Justice Mission (IJM), a non-governmental organization (NGO), whose mission is to protect people from violent forces of injustice. This work is done through securing rescue and restoration for victims, bringing criminals to justice, and ensuring public justice systems work for the poor.

In the Philippines, I am specifically working with the local IJM office, combatting the online sexual abuse and exploitation of children (also called “OSAEC”), the live sexual abuse of children streamed via the internet. As a Legal Fellow, I am assisting the local legal staff in bringing criminals to justice by prosecuting these crimes.

The legal team also advocates for child protective policies and prosecution strategies that protect and restore the victims of these crimes and avoid further traumatization. We desire for every victim to be safe, healed, and restored, and for the perpetrators of these crimes to be brought to justice.

I am so thankful that God has called me to the Philippines to serve these people and fight against the injustice here, and for Reality SF’s partnership in this work.”

You can connect with Erin by emailing her, and if you’d like to financially support her ministry, visit this link.

Meet Our Missionaries

Learn about some of our other Local Missionaries serving in the Bay Area.

Gabby & Mateo Alzate, Because Justice Matters

Gabby and Mateo Alzate are urban missionaries with Because Justice Matters, a ministry serving women, girls, and families primarily in the Tenderloin.

Read their story

Jason & Justine Martinez, YWAM San Francisco

Jason and Justine are both spiritual directors, and lead a ministry of Because Justice Matters called Azul, which supports and resources young adults through workforce training, inner-life development, and mentoring.

Read their story

Lauren Butts, Because Justice Matters

Lauren is the Director of the EdenMade Department at Because Justice Matters. She oversees two programs that address sexual exploitation: a prevention-focused mentorship program for girls and a relationship-centered program for women working in the adult entertainment industry.

Read their story