Steve & Kayla Binnquist

Missionaries, YWAM San Francisco

Steve began working with YWAM San Francisco in 2004, Kayla started in 2010, both with hearts for the Tenderloin. Steve and Kayla are a part of the leadership at YWAM SF. Steve is the Ministry Director and Kayla is developing florals for economic development.

The heart of their ministry is to see people become deeply rooted in God; free to leave patterns of addiction and harmful behaviors, and walk into life-giving community.

Steve and Kayla focus on this work through relationships and authentic connection in their downtown community center, the Ellis Room. There they provide hygiene services, but only as a means to relationship. It’s in the Ellis Room where they sit and chat with people about life, and discover their needs. This often leads to deeper conversation and people moving forward in their lives.

You can connect with Steve and Kayla through email. And if you’d like to financially support their ministry, visit, select your payment method, and denote “Steve & Kayla Binnquist” for the donation.

Meet Our Missionaries

Learn about some of our other Local Missionaries serving in the Bay Area.

Gabby & Mateo Alzate, Because Justice Matters

Gabby and Mateo Alzate are urban missionaries with Because Justice Matters, a ministry serving women, girls, and families primarily in the Tenderloin.

Read their story

Sylvia Kamande, Because Justice Matters

Originally from Nairobi, Kenya, Sylvia Kamande serves with Because Justice Matters in the Tenderloin to help break the cycle of fear, violence, and hopelessness which many women and girls experience in San Francisco.

Read their story

Susanna Ciaramitaro, Compassion First

Susanna serves in Southeast Asia with Compassion First, an aftercare and rehabilitation center for child survivors of sex trafficking.

Read their story