In San Francisco
As It Is in Heaven

Join Us on Sunday
Services at 9AM & 11AM
Join Us

Who We Are

We are a community following Jesus, seeking renewal in our city.

more about our vision & beliefs

Sunday Services

Join us on Sundays at 9AM and 11AM as we gather to worship together through music, teaching, and communion.


New to Reality

If you are new to our community, we would love to connect with you directly. We have also provided this list of resources for you to get to know our church a little bit better.

connect with us

see resources

Rule of Life: Abiding in Jesus

To pursue unity and maturity as followers of Jesus, we as a church are keeping a shared rule of life. This is one way that we are collectively doing our part to abide, or remain, in Jesus. We desire for everyone in our community to participate, so each component has entry-level and reach options.

Rule of Life

Serving Our Church & City

We currently have opportunities to serve on Sundays or with our Outreach Team to meet tangible needs of the most vulnerable in our city. Learn about current serving opportunities and complete a volunteer application to join!

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Community at Reality

We value community at Reality because we believe that Jesus uses fellowship between His followers to continue the work He began of creating a new family, a new body of His disciples. This is why our church provides a variety of opportunities for followers of Jesus to connect with one another and form thriving relationships.

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Meet Our Leaders

Learn about the people who lead our church.

Danielle Stowaway, Executive Assistant | Justice & Outreach Volunteer Coordinator

Danielle provides administrative support and assistance to our Teaching & Vision Pastor, as well as the Justice & Outreach Ministry.

Read their story

Tobi Grunick, Connections Pastor

Tobi cares for those who are new to our community, providing support and resources as they integrate into the life of our church.

Read their story

Sergio Gomes, Pastoral Resident

As Pastoral Resident, Sergio currently spends his time overseeing our Community Group ministry and preparing to eventually be sent out to plant or revitalize a church.

Read their story