Lauren Butts

Missionary, Because Justice Matters

In her work at Because Justice Matters, Lauren sees the Holy Spirit move one conversation at a time.

As the Director of EdenMade at Because Justice Matters, Lauren directs two programs that address sexual exploitation from different perspectives.

Lauren created and launched SHINE in 2023, which is a prevention-focused mentorship program that exists to strengthen girls’ sense of self, healthy relationships, goal setting, and knowledge to build pathways to a thriving life, and to decrease the risk of being affected by sexual exploitation.

SHINE provides relational mentorship along with survivor-informed curriculum that focuses on five preventative areas: Skill Strengthening, Hopeful Future (Goal Setting), Identity Formation, Navigating Relationships, and Education about human trafficking, exploitative relationships, and how to keep themselves safe. We focus on girls aged 9-15 who are impacted by systems, such as child welfare, and experience familial hardship or instability.

Lauren also directs EdenMade, which provides relationship-centered, trauma-informed care to women in the adult entertainment industry. The hope is for each woman to be empowered as leaders, to live fully and freely in their true identities, connected to community and holistic resources, and restored and thriving in society. This work is done by visiting local clubs and giving gift bags to the women who work there. EdenMade seeks to build friendships with the women, pray with them, and provide relational support and resources.

Lauren has her Master’s in Social Welfare, and has a background in community-based mental health, the child welfare system, advocacy, and mentorship programs. She loves to see God bring restoration and for women and girls to thrive in urban communities.

Outside of ministry, Lauren and her family love going to the beach and enjoying the outdoors with their dog. Lauren also loves trying new restaurants, farmer’s markets, and visiting parks and museums!

Meet Our Missionaries

Learn about some of our other Local Missionaries serving in the Bay Area.

Erin Canino, International Justice Mission

Previously an attorney in San Francisco, Erin is currently serving with the legal team of International Justice Mission in the Philippines, which focuses on fighting the serious issue of online sexual abuse and exploitation of children through legal casework and policy advocacy.

Read their story

Daniel Lai, Young Life San Francisco

Daniel is on staff with Young Life San Francisco, and he and his family are devoted to living on mission in SF, in order to care for youth in the city by creating accessible Christian programs for young people and their families.

Read their story

Gabby & Mateo Alzate, Because Justice Matters

Gabby and Mateo Alzate are urban missionaries with Because Justice Matters, a ministry serving women, girls, and families primarily in the Tenderloin.

Read their story